Baysiders turned 5 in October.
Spring season 2019. Let's start at the beginning.
From humble beginning as a single team SOAR, playing our first season, making grand final and winning grand final. To one of our boys taking best on court.
Baysiders Netball Club was created by some determined ladies, who decided we needed a name. We approached Bayside Christian College and became Baysiders with a home, a lot of support and plenty of talent.
2020 Autumn: Our first season as a club, playing at Casey we had 3 teams. 11's, 13's and 17's. Players from both Bayside Christian College and schools around our area.
2020 Spring:
2021 Autumn: Attack of Covid19 upsetting proceedings. We still managed to field 3 teams,11's, 13's Steel and 15's. Our 13's playing Grand Final and unfortunately falling short.
2021 Spring:
2022 Autumn: Our biggest year as a club. Boasting 6 teams, accredited coaches, grants to get half priced hoodies, free socks and drink bottles. We had Modified Blue/ 11's Sky, 13's Navy , 13's Steel, 15's Sky, 15's Navy and 17's Grey (going down to 15's and becoming 15's Grey). Our 11's saw a couple of boys playing, along with our 13's. 15 Sky, playing finals and unfortunately being knocked out. Our 13 Ocean making Grand Final and falling short of the main prize.
Our 13’s Navy won our first Grand Final as Baysiders, by a considerable margin.
2022 Spring: Some team name changes. Our 13 Ocean making Grand Final and falling short of the main prize.
2023 Autumn: We lost a team as our boys aged out. So we had 5 teams entered Modified/11's Sky, 13's Azure, 15's Aqua, 15's Marine and Wednesday 17's Electric. Autumn saw our 13 Indigo make finals and unfortunately take 2nd place.
2023 Spring: Saw 3 of our teams play finals. 15's Aqua made first round finals and unfortunately we knocked out. 15 Marine and 17 Electric play Grand Finals unfortunately finishing 2nd. The 17's played their grand final the week prior, knocking the top team out of contention, in overtime. Giving their coaches and supporters a thriller to never be forgotten.
2024 Autumn: We had 5 teams. 11's Seals, 13's Orcas, 15's Dolphins, 15's Sapphires and Wednesday 17's Electric.
Our Dolphins team played first round of finals and unfortunately were knocked out.
Both our Orcas and Electric teams played Grand Final.
​2024 Spring: We have 3 teams playing Saturday - U11 Seals, U13 Orcas, U15 Narwhals and 1 team - U17 Electric playing on Wednesday.
